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Object Requirement URL/Contract Action in
Loot Stone Hold (fake) Loot on L1 Goerli https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xf63e76547449C09AFfa09e0F02b8b46293Aff41D L1 Goerli
Uniswap Rocking Horse Trade 1 time on L1 Goerli Uniswap https://uniswap.org/ L1 Goerli
Uniswap Merry-go-round Trade 5 time on L1 Goerli Uniswap https://uniswap.org/ L1 Goerli
Uniswap Bank Trade 10 time on L1 Goerli Uniswap https://uniswap.org/ L1 Goerli
Voter’s Monument Vote 1 time on Snapshot on L1 (actual voting) https://snapshot.org/#/ L1 Mainnet
ETH Salon Hold 1ETH on L1 Goerli https://goerli-faucet.mudit.blog/ L1 Goerli
Sprite-Box 3 tx on Polygon Munbai testnet - Polygon Munbai
Starter Kit No Requirement - StarkNet

When you have no ETH on Goerli

🧐 Loot Stone

Contract → Write Contract → Connect to Web3 → 2. Claim → Enter your favorite numbe → Write

スクリーンショット 2022-03-15 11.28.40.png