🎮 1UP Phi Game Ideathon

Are you a game develeoper? If you have an innovative game idea that you wish to share with the world? Then join us for 1UP — Phi’s Game Ideathon!

This event provides a chance for you to showcase your creativity and receive recognition for your hard work. The ideathon features two categories: on-chain games that use Phi assets, and off-chain games that relate to Phi. We are seeking unique, feasible, and web3 integrated game concepts & ideas.

To participate, submit your game proposal via our Airtable form within the submission period. The top 10 ideas in each category will be awarded. Do not miss this opportunity to demonstrate your talent and win rewards!

📅 Schedule


■Phase 1: Game Design Submission

Submission Period: 13 March 12:00 UTC ~ 27 Mar 12:00 UTC

📚 Category

1) On-Chain Game Ideation 🎲


Game ideas;

Utilize or fork the Phi Map or Phi Object contracts or Phi Land and its features;

➤ Create a relation between Phi’s NFTs or components using different technologies that can be integrated to blockchain. (zero-knowledge, relational & interactive databases, game engines);

<aside> 🔦 Gitbook User Guide & Features:

Phi Land

©©🅾️ Resources:

CC0 Resources & Objects



<aside> 🔬 References / Resources & Game Styles:

1UP - Phi Game Ideathon References


2) Off-Chain Game Ideation 🕹️


➤ Concepts that relate to Phi that does not involve uses of a blockchain such as game design, player experience, mechanics and dynamics, narrative, world-building, multiplayer interactions, AI opponents, graphics and sound design, and platform compatibility.

©©🅾️ We encourage the use of CC0 for all works. Check our previous medium to read more on CC0:

Phi is moving to CC0

➤ Integrate Phi components, which do not require blockchain functionality, with the physical layers of a computer, such as mouse and keyboard, and gamify them.


<aside> 🔬 References / Resources & Game Styles:

1UP - Phi Game Ideathon References


🎟️ How to Submit